Friona Court Complex


The Friona Municipal Court Department enforces criminal laws, traffic laws and municipal ordinance within the court's jurisdiction. 

Contact: (806) 250-2198
Address: 617 Main Street
               Friona, Texas 79035


Fax: 806 250 2178

Open: Monday-Friday
            9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.

Municipal Court Judge: Judge Marie Samarron

Court Clerk: Sonia Lopez-Gomez

Citations: If you were issued a citation, you must appear by the date written on your citation. You or your attorney may appear in person or by regular mail. A PHONE CALL DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A COURT APPEARANCE. Failure to appear by the appearance date may result in an arrest warrant. 

Payments: Citations can be paid in person, by mail, by phone, or online. Click the link to make an online payment: Please be aware that once an amount is submittted through the online system, no refunds shall be issued.

Warrants: For a complete listing of warrants, CLICK HERE.

Lincence Holds or Suspensions: If you need to know if your license is on hold or suspended for the State of Texas (Texas driver’s license only), you may check here,

To make a payment, scan QR code.

Friona Municipal Court Youth Diversion Plan

Click below to view.